Hiring a Social Media Manager: 21 Questions to Ask
The Social Media Manager is becoming the go-to person for businesses who require assistance with their online marketing efforts. It's no secret the impact social marketing can have on a business and the advantages its brings. And it's also no secret that most business owners cannot handle their social marketing all on their own. A Social Media Manager does a whole lot more than just posting status updates on profiles. Social media management encompasses figuring out the who, the what, the when and why. Who does your business want to reach? What is needed to reach them? Where are they most active? Why should we use social media as part of our marketing efforts? Many businesses are finding that outsourcing or hiring someone to manage their campaigns is becoming an important part of using social media for marketing. An outside individual can usually see the bigger picture more clearly. Social media management is a position that has attracted a huge amount of attention and member...